Saturday, September 23, 2017

House party

It starts as watercolor smears on a postcard

Then I add a few blocks of color and a few lines to see what it might look like. Nope, I already don't like some of this. So I let it sit for a few weeks.

When I pull it out, it's still "nothing." I wonder if I can redefine it with ink. As I'm editing someone's academic paper, I grab a black gel pen and scribble in a few ink lines.

I definitely like it better but it feels off balance. A few more strokes in the foreground - I don't have my reading glasses and am paying hardly any attention as I scratch in the lines. I set it aside again.

I think I'm done. Once it's in a frame, atop a buff art paper, I love it and put it in my office to inspire me to quick, intuitive artistic work between the detailed attention required of me as an editor.

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